User manual

New user? If you are a new user looking to get started in business, please do not hesitate to contact us today, and one of our representatives will graciously provide you with the information required to start your online store. All this is offered without costs or risks.

Sign into your account
Once approved, you will receive a notification email including a login link. Log in to your account using the email and password provided (which you can change later) to register. You will then access your store account.

Start promoting your store.
Your store account will look like this:

2.1. Click on the “ Guide” tab to read your merchant’s instructions;

2.2. In “ Settings” , you can complete your personal information so that Buyonik can know you better, then click “ Save changes” to save your updates:

In particular, to get paid, you must provide your payment information so that Buyonik can process the payment(s) for you. Click the “ Payment” tab to choose a payment method and add your payment information:

2.3. On marketing tools , you can discuss the collection of multimedia tools that Buyonik provides in order to help affiliates better promote the store. The promotion materials come in the form of linked images (optional) so you can download them, get a code (to add to your website) and push them to your promotion channels. Other types of resources (files, videos, links) can also be shared.

2.4. You can track the status of your winnings and payments in the “ Commission” and “Payment” tab. On the other hand, if you are a beginner and there is no gain yet, you can skip this part.

2.5 On the dashboard you can access your link (which is automatically generated by our system when you are approved) and a coupon (in case Buyonik assigns you a coupon). Additionally, you can observe your overall performance on the dashboard , including commission amount, clicks, orders and sales.

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